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A Transformation in the Employment Status of Contractual Personnel in the Oil Industry

ransformation of Employment Status for Contractual Personnel in the Oil Industry

In recent months, the issue of converting the employment status of contractual personnel in the oil industry has become a key challenge in this sector.

Given the critical role of human resources in advancing oil projects, serious measures have been taken to enhance job security and improve the employment conditions of these workers.

Implementation Steps and Ongoing Follow-Ups on the Status of Contractual Personnel in the Oil Industry

Following continuous meetings between employee representatives, officials from the Ministry of Oil, and members of parliament, solutions have been explored to transition contractual workers into permanent or formal contractual employment. Some parliament members have emphasized the need for enforcing protective laws and passing legislation to secure the rights and benefits of these employees.

Mohsen Paknejad, the Minister of Oil, has recently issued an order to review and follow up on holding an official employment exam for the oil industry. After consulting with Naft Online reporters regarding salary caps and the exam process, Seyed Mohsen Mousavizadeh, the representative of Ahvaz, visited the Minister of Oil’s office to submit a formal request for the exam. In response, the Minister of Oil in the fourteenth administration has instructed his legal and parliamentary affairs deputy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Oil’s human resources department, to oversee the exam’s organization.

Operational Challenges and Barriers to Changing the Status of Contractual Personnel in the Oil Industry

One of the primary obstacles to implementing this plan is the financial and budgetary constraints of the Ministry of Oil. Additionally, conducting a thorough review of the status of contractual employees and aligning them with legal requirements is a time-consuming and complex process. Furthermore, some contracting companies oppose these changes and prefer to maintain the current structure.

Benefits of the Plan and Its Impact on the Oil Industry

If successfully implemented, this initiative will significantly enhance job security for contractual personnel in the oil industry, boosting their motivation and job satisfaction. Moreover, improving employment conditions will lead to increased efficiency and enhanced performance in oil projects. Experts believe that adopting a cohesive and strategic approach can ensure a smooth transition that balances employee interests while mitigating financial and operational challenges.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Given the authorities’ emphasis on improving employment conditions, this issue is expected to remain a priority for the Ministry of Oil and Parliament. However, close cooperation between the government, parliament, and contracting companies is essential to achieving this goal. In this regard, Petro Eftekhar has also called for addressing the issue of initial salaries for newly hired employees before the employment exam is conducted to prevent future complications for new recruits. Oil industry personnel continue to await final decisions, hoping these reforms will pave the way for a more secure professional future.

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